Advanced Academic Programs

Advanced Academic Program Contact

Parents may get additional information about advanced academic opportunities and the screening process or refer their child for advanced academic services by contacting our Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (listed above).  Ongoing observation and assessment ensures that student needs are being met.

Churchill Road offers students all levels of Advanced Academic Programs (AAP), including a Level IV center as an option in grades 3-6. Here is a description of each of the four levels of service: 

Level I: Critical and Creative Thinking Lessons, Grades K-6

The first level is provided to all students in kindergarten through grade six and consists of model lessons that are designed to teach critical and creative thinking skills. The lessons are modeled in all classrooms by Advanced Academic Resource Teachers (AARTs) and the thinking strategies are then used throughout the year by classroom and other teachers who work with students. Student responses to these lessons are used as part of the identification process for Levels II-IV. Parents may also practice these strategies during family conversations and activities.

Level II, Differentiated Lessons in Areas of Academic Strength, Grades K-6

The AART collaborates with classroom teachers to provide additional challenges through lessons and resources that extend and enrich the Program of Studies. Screening for this level of service is ongoing throughout the school year.

Level III, Part-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-6

Students identified by our local Advanced Academic committee work directly with the AART each week in a small group setting. During this time, students are challenged with enrichment and extension activities developed to enhance grade-level curriculum.

Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-6

Students found eligible for placement in full-time Level IV Advanced Academic Programs through a central selection process receive a highly challenging instructional program in the four core subject areas.

Churchill Road houses an AAP that draws identified gifted students from a number of neighboring elementary schools including Kent Gardens and Spring Hill . Currently there are multiple classrooms at each grade level from grades 3 through 6.

Students in the AAP center study the same Fairfax County Program of Studies curriculum as do students in the base school with instructional techniques that are designed to match the educational learning styles of gifted students.

All AAP students are instructed one year ahead in math and are engaged in a Mathematics contest called "Continental Math." Additional language arts, science and history units for gifted students, designed by the College of William and Mary's Center for Gifted Education, are part of the enriched AAP curriculum. Higher level thinking skills are stressed through class discussions and project-based learning, which allow students to learn to work together to solve problems.

Technology is used as a tool for learning with all students. Students use computers for word processing, creating graphs, spreadsheets, and databases, designing multimedia presentations, and to access the Internet for research. 


Multiple criteria are reviewed to determine eligibility for all FCPS advanced academic services. The local school committee determines student eligibility for part-time school-based services. The countywide central selection committee determines eligibility for full-time AAP Level IV placement.


The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will not be offered this school year.

The one-time retest option for the Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) or CogAT test will not be available this school year. 

Note: While private testing that follows guidelines may be submitted, testing is only one type of data considered. All ability tests are considered within the larger context of the overall screening portfolio. FCPS does not encourage families to seek additional testing beyond what FCPS provides to all students.

Referrals for Full-Time AAP Level IV 

Students who are not in the second grade pool will not receive notification. 

Parents or guardians of students not in the second grade screening pool may initiate the full-time AAP Level IV screening process by completing and submitting an Advanced Academic Programs Level IV Referral Form to the local school principal. Forms are available on the FCPS website and in the Parent Information Packet available at the local school.



Note: Please do not wait for test scores before submitting a referral for your student as there will be no referrals for Level IV screening accepted past the deadline. If you are waiting for test scores and would like your student screened for Level IV, please submit the referral by the published deadline (even if you have not received the test scores for your student).

The FCPS Testing and Identification Timeline link below includes the deadline for submitting the Advanced Academic Programs Level IV Referral Form for students in Grade 2 who are not in pool and students in Grades 3–6.