School Innovation & Improvement Plan

An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for this academic school year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan at a Glance

  • 2023-2024

  • Churchill Road Elementary School 

  • Region 1

  • Cherith Pierson, Principal


English Language Arts


  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in Grades K-3 meeting Spring reading screener benchmark (LLS/PALS/iReady) will increase by at least 5 percentage points.


  • Expand access to evidence-based tier 1 instruction as well as intervention for students demonstrating risk in a multi-tiered system of supports. (HLP 1-5)
  • Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. (HLP 2, 5)




  • By June 2024, the percentage of students in Grades K-6 meeting Spring math screener benchmark (EMAS/iReady) will increase by at least 3 percentage points.


  • Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.


Academic Growth and Excellence


  • By June 2024 100% of students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 will continue their "POG-POL Journey" and have the opportunity to reach proficiency in Criterion 1 and 3 based on the POG POL Rubric. 100% of the students in grades 5 and 6 will continue their "POG-POL Journey" and have the opportunity to reach proficiency in Criterion 1 ,2, and 3 based on the POG POL Rubric and recorded in RUBI.


  • Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth.
  • Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.