Grades 4 - 6 Music Elective Choice

The Churchill Road music program offers band, chorus and strings classes for 4th – 6th grade students.  These classes are in addition to regular general music classes.  All  4th grade students MUST choose a strings instrument for their elective music class.  All 5th and 6th grade students MUST choose between band, strings and chorus for their elective music classes.

If you have questions about our Chorus program, please contact our Chorus teacher, Ms. Judkins at [email protected].

If you have questions about our Strings program, please contact our Strings teacher, Mr. Fyhr at [email protected].

If you have questions about our Band program, please contact our Band teacher, Ms. Singer, at [email protected].

Rising 4th Music Elective Registration form:
(must be logged in to FCPS Google Apps as student to access)

Click Here to Access Rising 4th Grade Form.

Rising 5th and 6th Music Elective Slide Presentation:

Click here to access the rising 5th and 6th grade slide presentation

Rising 5th and 6th Music Elective Registration form:
(must be logged in to FCPS Google Apps as student to access)

Click Here to Access Rising 5th and 6th Grade Form